19 February 2008

saw tis online and i wonder..

A focus on existence
Existentialism tends to focus on the question of human existence — the feeling that there is no purpose, indeed nothing, at the core of existence. Finding a way to counter this nothingness, by embracing existence, is the fundamental theme of existentialism, and the root of the philosophy's name. Given that someone who believes in reality might be called a "realist", and someone who believes in a deity might be called a "deist", therefore someone who believes fundamentally only in existence, and seeks to find meaning in his or her life solely by embracing existence, is an existentialist.

am i? do i? can i? will i?

liz used to say when her pal gets drunk, she goes on autopilot. lets jus say wifout the influence of alcohol, is it possible to put ones self on autopilot mode? to shut down ones mind and move at a routine pace like a zombie or a robot. to tink of nothin. to see nothin. to feel nothin. to be nothin. to perceive wat one is told to tink. to witness wat one is onli supposed to see. to feel nothin and nothin seen. no emotions involved. no wilds thots destroyin the soul. nothin felt. a mere numb machine.

yes, if onli..