ta-dah! janelle, the lovely baby frm a perfect pair jason & joanne, was born 3rd june, weightin at 2.8kg. or was it 28kg? omg 28 like alot. so shld be 2.8 lolx. wootz am officially a god-mummy!!

isnt she gorgeous? tiny fingers, tiny toes and a realli cute nose, she is so small and oh so very cute! her features pretty, it was a carbon copy of joanne. like mummy like daughter i guess.. i actualli wanted to hold her but dismissed the idea as was too afraid dat i might jus drop her if she starts wailin. lolx. ok, im not a baby person but i promise ill try to be the best god-ma!

a baby changes tings and life will nvr be the same am sure, even slp will become a ‘mayb’ for the new parents. while searchin for wat makes their hearts twirl, the future oso meant a time of great stress and readjustment for the 3Js. but yeah, like wat they say, all is worthy as janelle grows to be the sweetest gal, healthy and blessed wif good tings in life. so buckle up JJs, its time for the ride of yr lives!

im sure jus like me, von cant wait for her to grow more and hear her cute giggles. i wonder if its realli gonna be wif ‘ga ga’s and ‘goo goo’s like ive seen wif most babies and their parents. but i dun tink i will start playin wif the many ‘aahin’s, ‘ooh ga ga’s and silly peek-a-boo’s.. ha!
like an angel, she enchants everyone and most of us spent time lingerin ard her temporary crib, tryin to catch a glimpse of her, half closed eyes and smilin. her adorable smile took most of our breaths away, even though her cries gave me a headache, bleah. and oh, besides me, tis little princess has gotten herself 3 other god-mummies to show her the world and shower her wif plenty of hugs and kisses. i bet she can feel the love oready!