14 February 2006


von's blog 又让我想起 dat incident which left me 后悔莫级..

i rem it was drizzlin. i was takin shelter when i saw tis adult bird fell frm a tree n landed straight onto the road, near the curbside. jus when i tot it was dead frm the fall, another bird flew to it's side n started peckin the dyin bird furiously to its consciousness. however, the bird seemed 受了重伤 din even move. onli to raise its head once in a while. 凄凉的惨叫声 were heard constantly comin frm its mate, perhaps beggin for help or perhaps tryin its best to yell those traffic away. sad.

at tis point, my inner voice told me if i dun do somethin abt it. dat poor birdie will die soon under the tyre tracks wif fast movin oncomin cars, buses, lorries etc.

i knew i mus move the bird to somewhr safe.
i knew xactly wat i mus do. the thing was, i did not. i couldnt..
in my life, 我有两没法碰, 就是活生生的鸟和鱼. i wanted so much to help yet 我的双脚跟本不听使唤无法动弹. i could only stand thr watch n pray those vehicles will miss it.
how pathetic.. how useless of me.

after a long struggle wif many close deaths, 命运终究还是 took the bird away. my eyes were on the bird while it finally happen. it was only den, i truely realised dat i could haf save dat poor thing, onli if i were brave enuff. i dun even noe wtf i was so scare abt. fuckin shit.
i hate my cowardice.

他的生或死就在于我的一念之间. 我的懦弱, 无情的夺走了原本还有一线生机的小生命.
抱歉有用吗?i think not.. :(

1 comment:

Nelocsix said...

...I wouldn't know what to do either...

...You were not culpable for the bird's death. It had fulfuilled its cycle...