26 December 2008


this christmas we had a nice yummy dinner and hung out. we dont get to see each other often and it was nice to catch up with everyone, especially with jan when shes not wailing that much. we also had a good time telling old stories for the 1,999,99 time and spent a lot of time laughing at the silly things we used to do. all in all, it was truly an awesome evening for me.

jan is 6 months old now and growing fast. seeing her responded and smile for real when we tried to get her attention, she made it so easy for us to love her. i actually had moments where i started to think about her growing older. what kind of teenager she will be? who will she date? who will be her friends? who will hurt her for the first time? how good of a student will she be? how will she dress? how much will she love us? will she ever appreciate how hard her parents work to provide the best life possible for her? will she ever understand how deeply her godmas love her? but in the midst of all those questions, i know that she has an incredible mummy who will raise her wonderfully..

08 December 2008


she was a sad girl
the world is big but she cant hear them
hate that smile from the corner of her lips
the kind that makes her feel like crying


17 November 2008

its dusty in here..

13 November 2008









09 November 2008

his whispers

there is nothing he can do for me. just like there is nothing i could do for him. not with all that distance between us. we alway dance around our words, never singing the tunes we know to be true or too true. im a jaded person, i admit. not many things impress me anymore. yet, he never fails to amaze me with his poetry, how he has taken the things that hurt and turned them into art. i bet he knew we cant change our ghosts.

let me stay
in this darkness
sheltered in shadows

fill me with sadness
a tinge of melancholy
a touch of loneliness

don't arouse me
let this be
strange & unfamiliar

i'm not like everyone
don't make me be
for i never will

love my tainted soul
beautiful sins
adore me now

so let it go
all that you know
then can you embrace me

by Liquidfire

27 October 2008

shireen & angela

you said that as long as i promised that i would never let go, its okay to mess up, its okay to feel like crap, its okay even if all i do was my infamous disappearing acts. and you said that if we held onto each other, i could beat whatever that come between, in front or behind me. somewhere between all that changing and growing older, between the many phone calls of *secret planning* and *whats the plan today*, there still lived a girl who believed in that.

hAPpY BiRthDaY

22 October 2008



17 October 2008





15 October 2008


it was my last day at work yesterday!!

i did what i must because every second of it made me smile.
maybe my decision was rash and confusing to many others but to me, i just felt the time was right to move on. all the omens were right, maybe the stars were in place too or whatever else you believe in. oka, no complex reason. ha. cuddles&puddles itself is a damn good one! in my heart i knew after all the smoke clears and the dust settles, i will be a happier person for having gone through with it.

09 October 2008

silly silly s.m.s.e.s by mr current boss

stupid boss – Have you put up the order for the blue tubes for tkl?
me – Jus now I check wif Felicia to cfm for qty. she say will lemme noe again.

stupid boss – I sms you long time ago to put in the order right?
me – No stock how to place. KC jus told me stock in so I ask Felicia on qty tis morning.

stupid boss – You very cute, stk came in last month and I sms you to put order and now you want to argue no stk how to order?

i is simply cannot be bothered to reply and ignored his calls and went home.

have i ever mention how much i hate sitting in those waiting areas in the hospitals and clinics? and it doesnt help at all that my work place sucks. its full of people. so many i could do without. there aint really piles and piles of things. but there is enough for me to feel like it is on the verge of becoming unmanageable, especially by having silly colleagues around. i have very little patience with the stupid. i know.. i know, im not always the brightest, so maybe i ought to be more considerate. but guess what? im not. i cant deal with stupid people. i was definitely entertained in some days, but seeing how my immediate boss behaves weirdly. im pretty turned off by him many times. i didnt choose to stick those “i cant stand his face anymore” in my mind with glue. they just grew and grew and grew.. RAWR…

i fucking hate my job.

07 October 2008


^GTfist says: u know?
inoka says: noe wat?
^GTfist says: its a small world out there.
inoka says: uh..
^GTfist says: empty small world.
inoka says: yeah i noe
^GTfist: so tired. so tired of trying to reach u.
inoka says: ..
inoka says: boo..
^GTfist says: i miss you..
inoka says: how can you miss me?
inoka says: when im rite here..
^GTfist says: but you are not here. you never are.
inoka says: ..
^GTfist says: quit your .... u can do better than that.
inoka says: ....

its a cruel small world. and hasnt it always been this way? believe or not, its shrinking alot faster than you think. you find that im harder to reach these days. dont know ever since when i realised that reaching me goes nowhere. i rather be gone but im still there listening. listening to the phone ring. unsure if i should answer. i never answer the phone anymore unless im certain its something i want to hear. and i know it never is.


05 October 2008




02 October 2008


it never had to hurt
a jagged razor
never did the trick
big mistake

01 October 2008



30 September 2008




29 September 2008


you tell lies as if i was deaf
i hear them anyway
i was too naive assuming you will come clean
all these time of allowing you to disappoint me
didnt you notice i have changed
oka maybe you win
i cant fight you any longer
i had been trying and trying to pretend
but it has become apparent that i cant fucking do it

i quit

28 September 2008

4.32 am 的长途电话


27 September 2008

never was


Yvonne says: i was thinking about this....
Yvonne says: does it feel more hurt to have someone u truly love betray you
Yvonne says:
or feel worse to have someone whom you dun love a lot, but u trusted wholeheartedly to betray you


24 September 2008


“I forget how much I loved her. How deep it was, how completely devouring it was to be so head over heels, totally and unconditionally in love with her. If I ever get to the point of falling in love again, I will draw her portraits, so that there will always be proof of her worth to me, for her to hold.”

22 September 2008

appear OFFLINE


its okay if you hate me. i can deal with it.
or at least i imagine i could.

21 September 2008

† L'ange Sans Ailes † says: do u believe in demons?

Inoká says: yes
Inoká says:
and they only come to u when its dark and alone.

there was something in the silence between his words that made me stop and stare at that darkness we both knew so well. it was more than a little shocking to see those words typed out loud even i do know that demons are always lurking in the dark watching us, waiting for us to succumb and let them in. and i believed if we look in the darkness and not through them, we would see forever..

Don't part with your illusions.
When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.
~ Mark Twain

17 September 2008




15 September 2008


as a child i have this idea that my parents, especially my dad, knows how everything is done. i always had this idea that no matter what happened he knew what to do. it wasnt until i got much older that i realised he did not know everything, he just had to do everything to protect and raise his kids.

today i dedicate this post to my daddy, someone who is kind, gentle and very thoughtful. someone who is my source of strength, someone i love very dearly. HAPPY BIRTHDAY daddy!

14 September 2008





13 September 2008


the medicine is not making me any better and some nights im so tired i seriously wonder if im dead, which i guess is why i have been thinking about the dead a lot more lately. on how they must had felt, the terror and regret of accepting they were mortal. that they will be gone for eternity and others will go on without them. today i was awake fondling my thoughts on trying to remember what a dead relative or friend sounded like. im not trying to find, only attempting to prove that they still lives in my heart. but, i cant quite remember their voice at all. perhaps its better that way. erm what if im going to die tomorrow, will you remember mine?


08 September 2008




07 September 2008






05 September 2008


i feel so sick today and slept thru mostly. yet i was forced to wake blindly at wee hours, struggling to complete my key accounts management report which is due tomorrow morning. its almost 3am now and im not even close to being done. gosh. how much more can i do this?! surrender seems to be the best option. think im going back to bed..

dumb dumb report

“The brave men that stayed and fought had to be very skilled so they could live to fight another day, or else they died.”

04 September 2008

one day, i will meet you here

had someone really spoken to me way before about the ways in which good lifestyle habits could make aging go away i would have most likely paid closer attention, or maybe not. as much as i hate to admit to myself, i guess age is catching up with me. with bruises and muscle issues that do not heal over night the way that they used to, looking in the mirror and see that i am not who i used to be. i look different, feels different.. actually, none of this really matters much, only occasionally i feel like pieces of me are being taken away and no matter how hard i try, i cannot prevent this! tragic, just tragic. what else can i say.. boo!

31 August 2008

soul & ashes

close your eyes and dream with me in this unexpected rainy season, that may be the closest you ever get. this kind of rain, i do not mind. as only when the rain stop, the cage will be gone with enchantment left to know how intentionally broken we are at times before we allow ourselves to forget ourselves. so now, we live happily ever after...

stay with me
broken pieces jumbled
together in search for chaotic bliss

paint with me
pictures of past lovers
let our beautiful souls fly free

dance with me
into the shadow of mortality
forgetting together our sanity

kill with me
steal my breath counting
in ecstasy among the living dead

thanks for remembering my birthday. if angels forget you, did you really exist? what if years later, you buys a mirror and tries to nurse your battered soul and loving yourself more only to discover that you doesnt exist?

30 August 2008


she missed talking to him. she wants to talk to him, but she dont have the slightest idea what they would have to say. she knows she could stop if she wanted to. drunken nights, her perfect excuse for missing him, is nothing unfamiliar with for her. she used to do it on purpose. she drank until it was empty, she drank until she was empty. sighz. maybe self destruction is so much more appealing then simply being destroyed.


27 August 2008

soul speaks

Tear it down,
Your fake honesty
Take it away,
Your idle hypocrisy

Stop it now,
Your pretty lies
Shatter it all,
Your empty promises

Let me be,
A disappointed slumber
Let me be,
My imperfect dreams

by l’ange sans ailes

unable to look away, unable to speak. silently, i read his latest work, again and again..

it was what he wrote. where i was staring from here. something far away from here that he understood. a great notion. then, it was gone. i drifted. he drifted. we drifted.. nothing we say or write will make disappointment go away. we just need to realise that before it break our souls apart unknowingly.

26 August 2008

s.w.o.o.s.h.i.n.g expectations

its been raining for many days, on and off, outside and inside. everything before and after my birthday is saturated and heavy. i dont really feel at home with myself these days. sort of like im not really me. everything i knew had carried me this far. the truth drifting in and out, and in and out like whispers i must pretend i do not hear. so lonely this way. im not complaining. im just stating. i seem to expect people to disappoint me. its my natural tendency. disappointment is what i was prepared for. it truly is an affliction. one that i can never cure. or rather im not even remotely sure i would want to cure.

realising, it doesnt really matter, does it?

25 August 2008


my birthday came and went in disappointment. wishes dont work. boo..

i am such a foolish girl sometimes.
i think, in my foolish head, that if i think really hard i could send out telepathic miracles to make everything alright again. silly silly me.. you know what? i am not even going to bother anymore.
no more cryptic messages, no more signals, no more telling how i truly feels. sighz..


18 August 2008


i am so…


and extremely


16 August 2008


even now, though he is silent, accompanying beside while i blog, i hear his breathing. it has settled in my heart somewhere. i can listen to it in moments like these. he can stay near me this way for hours, his cutest face when i tickle him a little. where else can i find this blessing of pure love, without any apologies..


10 August 2008

mere sex fools

how do you make love to a toy.
or rather how do you fuck a toy.
one wrong distracting shot.
that is all it fucking takes.
to drain the life out of that toy.
it does not matter maybe.
after all, that toy will only be, just a toy.


06 August 2008


my left thumb has a torn ligament from hitting "space" too hard and too often. my heart has a unbearable void from missing "you" too much and too often. im in so much pain. and non of which you can ease.

02 August 2008

nothing in between


28 July 2008


consider it a whisper that you didnt really hear.
still im going to say it anyway.
its scary to take full responsibility for myself.
i could just as easily have meant,
its actually really sad for me,
to feel so shitty, all over in my head..

25 July 2008

tears fallen on sealed lips
hiding inescapable regrets
unquestionable pain
sadness beyond measure
sorrows that might never ever be buried


24 July 2008

contusion elsewhere

my newest bruised spot hurt massively when von poked it this morning. i actually saw stars and almost passed out. ok, overly exaggerating a fair bit here. still, it was very sore to the lightest touch. i was very sensitive and extremely careful not to let anyone come close at all.. yet, as much as it hurts, im grateful for having this pain. it is a reminder of bruises i had previously that faded, pain that subsided and eventually disappeared. i do know my heart will go through this pain with the bruised spot waiting for its very own recovery..


23 July 2008

reversed heartbeats

i see the way u love me,
i just never write it down.
one blink and its all gone.
its strange how that happens,
too often.

so with nothing left to try,
i decided to close my eyes.
not to sleep or to hide,
but to feel vulnerable.
i closed my eyes,
i exhaled.
and i shut you out.


21 July 2008

bitter soda

"It seems to me that almost all our sadness are moments of tension, which we feel as paralysis because we no longer hear our astonished emotions living." - Rainer Maria Rilke

i am angry
i am disappointed
i fucking hate you

19 July 2008


DONT say anything if you dont fucking meant it at all!

there are only that many times i can allow someone to let me down before i cant handle the disappointment anymore. when things change, people change, it simply means accepting things were not meant to be. there is a point in life when i get tired of chasing the truth from the heart. trying to fix everything because ive come to realise that in the end, everyone turns out to be the person they swore they will never become.


16 July 2008

heaven of death


14 July 2008


there is nothing gain from the where do we go from here.
and the lets try it all again is not going to work either.
other then knowing alone is better.
we can only find our own way to atonement.
to remember this love when it matters most.
so lets just move on from here.
as this is the only way out.

for the both of us.

13 July 2008

buy myself a reason



11 July 2008


this is all there is on my new work desk. nothing fancy, just essentials. current boss mentioned to me before this company function like a big happy family. booo! so untrue. most co-workers are damn self-centered. abit abit complain, plenty of arrows flying around. love is definitely not in the air. i miss the girls… rawr!!

von and me in this really pretty washroom during our recent visit to our client in bukit timah area. plenty of driving around for me. so tiring and im beginning to hate driving! grrr.. mc today, back to work tomorrow. dangz.. TGIF!!

10 July 2008



08 July 2008


my feet are numb
my tummy feels numb
even my left thumb is numb
im feeling numb
in every places except where i would like to be
on second thought
exhale lightly
maybe i should treasure these numb moments
they might be the only ones i will ever truly feel

if someone asked you
where would you spend eternity
how would you answer

07 July 2008


10 fucking mins has passed.
a couple is still yelling at each other.
the shouting outside my window is so depressing.
im tempted to close my curtains, again.
so i dont have to deal with it.

given another 10 mins,
the man might stab the woman in the heart with a kitchen knife.
she would be crushed and bled to death, wide eyes open.
realizing he was still very much in love with her, jumps to his death.

maybe i should call the cops.
no, i should just let them strangle each other.

15 mins,
all was suddenly silent.
i wondered if that was the sound of letting go.

02 July 2008

simon says forget

you cant when you try fucking hard
you will when you actually give up


29 June 2008

fallen petals


two women met
old friends maybe
with nothing in common anymore
except the man between them
and their past

i cant remember the last time
we spoke on the phone

you said you want to quit smoking
i cant register the words
can you quit me instead
because the heart that beats for you
is suddenly silent

"There are no secrets in this world, only stories" – Mutiso

28 June 2008

janelle's 1st month

feeding and sleeping at the same time. baby’s trademark? did not see much changes in her features, still as tiny in size and so pretty! i wonder if she dreams at all now..

shir and lizzie went to design and print the god-ma tees for us to wear. it was really cute the way our faces were sketched.. or rather animated? so comical, especially mine. haha..

its hardly a secret that i do not want to have a child yet. but today, carrying her in my arms close to my heart, with every little movements touches me in a way i havent experienced before, i actually felt the desire to be a mother. i couldnt believe my eyes. then again, i wrote these words myself. lolx..

just the 5 of us. we made a choice. we chose eachother. ladies who make me laugh, who chases me around the room and tries to chew my finger, ladies who are just as crazy under their beauty, who tells me to shut up when i should, who will be there when i need. and who i can be nothing but myself with. meme, ada, lizzie, joanne and shireen.

as cocky as it may sound. im going to say it anyway. i think we are all very cute! ha.

26 June 2008

my 1731

im so falling in love!!
he is hot, he is smooth, he is cool and he is so mine!
he might not be as fast as the red evo and white wrx..
but YAY anyway!


25 June 2008


i can handle bad hair day.
i can handle terrible traffic delay.
i can handle long flights without smoking.
i can definitely handle junk calls from people who wants to sell me shit i dont need.
BUT waking up to a modem that loses its connection,
no matter what i do,

i fucking lose my temper!

24 June 2008


how can i let go of the questions i ask but was never answered?

22 June 2008

drips twinkle


LF’s responses to my work had usually been mentally intense for me, always forcing my mind to wander deeper, distracting my laziness, bringing me steps closer to my next work. now reading this, i am lost. inescapably lost in this beautiful poem. all i felt was a feeling of calm and serenity. its like nothing could hurt, not here, not ever. hmm, very intoxicating.

Do not say sorry, for you are meant to err
Hold my hands and free yourself
That the thrills of soaring have been waiting
For you always had angel's wings

Do not say sorry, for you are meant to err
Rest in my arms to be in eternal nirvana
Kiss my eyes and your eyes shall never tear
And I shall lay with you and bear your sins

maybe if i stare at this poem long enough, i might actually convinced myself that its no longer painful..

19 June 2008

drip by drip

was inspired and wrote this sometime back after reading Warrior by LF but did not post it as somehow it didnt feels right lolx. after a slight amendment earlier, still not good enough but well, here it goes..

i am sorry, i am only a human.
very restricted yet often wonder about the freedom of flying.
pretending i found liberty and the thrills of soaring.
convinced myself that i can flutter without angel’s wings.

i am sorry, i am only a human.
could you hug my imperfect state that i currently wallow in?
could you make the last tears gone and stop my suffering?
could you lay me down and forgive me for all my sins?

oh another one by LF that i screen-shot in a hurry. i supposed he did that one in like about 5 mins?

18 June 2008

if you look close


17 June 2008

for her i will

she is growing older each day.
maybe one day she might.

maybe she never will.
still, i want to do my part.
and begin again, with proper spellings.

12 June 2008

off divin board

Lex*King says:
Lex*King says:
OPS! jewel i mean. =)
Inoká Nai elyë hiruva! Namárië! says:

Lex*King says:
how are you?
Inoká Nai elyë hiruva! Namárië! says:
still alive?
Lex*King says:
damn! your blog brings heartache.
my heart aches for you with almost every single entries.
what happened to you princess?

Inoká Nai elyë hiruva! Namárië! says:
am ok le..
Lex*King says:
but u sounded heartbroken.
who bullied u? tell me i’ll go punch him when i come back sg. =)

Inoká Nai elyë hiruva! Namárië! says:
dun punch, kill can?
Lex*King says:
Lex*King says:
seriously, whoever it was who broke your heart,
it’s only a matter of time before he realized you were too good for him.
i just wish you could see it too. =)
and please stop wasting your beautiful eyes on someone who is blind.

Inoká Nai elyë hiruva! Namárië! says:
Lex*King says:
just remember you deserved the best and only the best.
and he obviously weren't it.

Inoká Nai elyë hiruva! Namárië! says:
Inoká Nai elyë hiruva! Namárië! says:
wey some gals said dat to u issit lolx..
Lex*King says:
hell no! i’m a nice guy.
i don’t break girls’ heart. =)

Inoká Nai elyë hiruva! Namárië! says:
Inoká Nai elyë hiruva! Namárië! says:
joyce? u broke her heart, i rem.. u ass..
Lex*King says:

infact, jus weeks ago i was lookin for a rope to hang myself wif but rite now im mostly feelin ok, wif a hint of apathy. i duuno if its the anticipation of finalizin decisions/stuffs and the ‘lettin go’ part lingerin close or am mental blockin the sadness. at least glad im better already. tings are changin like they always do and the onli diff is dat i finalli learnt to forget. although tis isnt happiness yet but well, my life is turnin out to be not so miserable, aft all...

see, im right, men are all liars!

11 June 2008

P.O the panda

kung fu panda is hilarious, it made me laff. so, kung fu panda is a good movie. at least for me. yet, aft the movie, i begin to feel life bores me. i wish thr was someting mystical wif special powers, elves, fairies, witches, fumin dragons even. anyting to lift our ordinary souls, to embrace extraordinary lives. how i wish i could perform someting special, not realli kung fu types but like communicate wif dogs, be invisible, predict random stuffs, read minds, telekinesis, mayb grow wings and fly.. instead, i read, write, shop, play games, eat and sleep. how borin. if onli thr was more den wat we actualli noe. wake up wake up, its impossible. if i do haf special powers, wun i be a super hero already savin the world? or mayb i do haf someting special aft all.. i haf compassion and the ability to forgive. bleahz.

in quenya, bfore headin off to bed, you say gdnite tis way..
ouel du. amin autien rath..

05 June 2008


ta-dah! janelle, the lovely baby frm a perfect pair jason & joanne, was born 3rd june, weightin at 2.8kg. or was it 28kg? omg 28 like alot. so shld be 2.8 lolx. wootz am officially a god-mummy!!

isnt she gorgeous? tiny fingers, tiny toes and a realli cute nose, she is so small and oh so very cute! her features pretty, it was a carbon copy of joanne. like mummy like daughter i guess.. i actualli wanted to hold her but dismissed the idea as was too afraid dat i might jus drop her if she starts wailin. lolx. ok, im not a baby person but i promise ill try to be the best god-ma!

a baby changes tings and life will nvr be the same am sure, even slp will become a ‘mayb’ for the new parents. while searchin for wat makes their hearts twirl, the future oso meant a time of great stress and readjustment for the 3Js. but yeah, like wat they say, all is worthy as janelle grows to be the sweetest gal, healthy and blessed wif good tings in life. so buckle up JJs, its time for the ride of yr lives!

im sure jus like me, von cant wait for her to grow more and hear her cute giggles. i wonder if its realli gonna be wif ‘ga ga’s and ‘goo goo’s like ive seen wif most babies and their parents. but i dun tink i will start playin wif the many ‘aahin’s, ‘ooh ga ga’s and silly peek-a-boo’s.. ha!

like an angel, she enchants everyone and most of us spent time lingerin ard her temporary crib, tryin to catch a glimpse of her, half closed eyes and smilin. her adorable smile took most of our breaths away, even though her cries gave me a headache, bleah. and oh, besides me, tis little princess has gotten herself 3 other god-mummies to show her the world and shower her wif plenty of hugs and kisses. i bet she can feel the love oready!