31 May 2009


Do you believe time heals?
it always heals. thats true. but its usually never better.

Are you living your expectations?
not quite what i expected it to be. i dont have a problem saying it. i just dont like admitting it.

Do you regret often?
am not sure if anyone can really say that they lived a life without regret. there are always things that i do that i look back upon and shake my head, too often.

Do you forgive and forget?
there are people that i am able to forgive, almost no matter what. and some others i find not only extremely difficult, but almost impossible to forgive and forget.

Do you judge people around you?
i sometimes judge harshly, pin down every mistake and rub it in their faces. and i dont know why i do that. i really dont.

Are you a pessimist?
is being pessimist a totally bad thing? i think not. i can manage.

Are you depressed most of the time?
i would rather be happy than be depressed. but then again, who among us really is?

If you had gambled and lost, would you gamble again?
i gamble it all on him if i had anything at all left to wager. but i got no chips left in my hand..

Do you hate someone now?
i dont know if i hate someone. or rather, if i hate myself. both probably. for different reasons.

Do you want to live or die?
i had spent most of my life living to die. counting days. now im dying to live, still counting days. but everyday i see less and less difference between the two.

If you died rght now, how would you feel about your life?
i ..........................


Unknown said...

Do you believe time heals?
it always heals. thats true. but its usually never better.
HK> If you got a non terminal physical ailment, then certainly time heals. And its much better too.

Are you living your expectations?
not quite what i expected it to be. i dont have a problem saying it. i just dont like admitting it.
HK> Even successful people will have some of this. It's a matter of degrees only.

Do you regret often?
am not sure if anyone can really say that they lived a life without regret. there are always things that i do that i look back upon and shake my head, too often.
HK> Who doesn't. I do. Last week I regretted ordering green chicken curry compared to tom yam.

Do you forgive and forget?
there are people that i am able to forgive, almost no matter what. and some others i find not only extremely difficult, but almost impossible to forgive and forget.
HK> Women are strange that way. When they like a guy that guy has a free pass to screw up a lot of times. Then some well meaning guy does nothing wrong but gets wronged by a woman and belittled.

Do you judge people around you?
i sometimes judge harshly, pin down every mistake and rub it in their faces. and i dont know why i do that. i really dont.
HK> I do to. I get paid for it. It's my job to tell people they screwed up.

Are you a pessimist?
is being pessimist a totally bad thing? i think not. i can manage.
HK> Judging by this blog not only are you a pessimist, you are borderline suicidal.

Are you depressed most of the time?
i would rather be happy than be depressed. but then again, who among us really is?
HK> I'm happy when my wife lets me play facebook poker.

If you had gambled and lost, would you gamble again?
i gamble it all on him if i had anything at all left to wager. but i got no chips left in my hand..
HK> I gambled on cruise ship once. Lost 200 dollars. I am still sore about it. Strange I can blow thousands entertaining but its those 200 that i lost that bothers me and that was years ago.

Do you hate someone now?
i dont know if i hate someone. or rather, if i hate myself. both probably. for different reasons.
HK> I hate it when people smoke near me. I suffer from asthma and can barely breathe.

Do you want to live or die?
i had spent most of my life living to die. counting days. now im dying to live, still counting days. but everyday i see less and less difference between the two.
HK> Everyone wants to live. But sometimes hope they were dead.

If you died rght now, how would you feel about your life?
HK> Incomplete.

inoka said...

when you are tagged, its fun isnt it?

so smoking near you does the trick? what an easy way for me to murder you.. ha.

sometimes, just sometimes i secretly wish and fear, that i might die in my sleep. it never happens. so no, am not sucidal. cowards cant kill themselves. xD

i heard you lost all your chips in fb poker. hee..

inoka said...

am not having any luck trying to add you in fb friends. add me so i could win some from you, if there are any left. ha!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

o smoking near you does the trick? what an easy way for me to murder you.. ha.
HK> Why you want to murder me? I'm harmless. Live and let live...

sometimes, just sometimes i secretly wish and fear, that i might die in my sleep. it never happens. so no, am not sucidal. cowards cant kill themselves. xD
HK> you can if you have access to painless drugs. Date a dentist, he can surely knock you out then put you out of your misery painlessly if that's what you want.

i heard you lost all your chips in fb poker.
HK> You hear from von von is it? It was true but she lend me some. Now I am around 5M so quite prosperous. Dun play play.

am not having any luck trying to add you in fb friends. add me so i could win some from you, if there are any left. ha!
HK> You probably got the wrong hoon. There are 20 million of us you know. Yup let's play poker. I need to get more chips.