16 January 2006

i was readin up on an article where pro-choice folks n pro-lifers actualli debatin against abortions caused by rapes, sexual mutilation, forced impregnation, enforced prostitution, forced sexual slavery. i was pretty much disgusted coz seriously, impregnations caused by those evil deeds still need to argue de meh? they seems to be onli interested in knowin or decidin on the unborns' fates. i mean, will them or do they help take care of the child after birth? i reckon not. after readin a particular quote by a Rev. Milhouse Pakalolo of Quayle Family Value Foundation...

"We feel that a rape or incest-enhanced little breeder must carry her child to term. There's nothing like a baby to bring a gal and her daddy closer."

... i was ready to puke.

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